Sarieva, I., & Zoran, A. (2007). Guiding principles: second language acquisition, instructional technology, and the constructivist framework. In Erben, T., & Sarieva, I (Eds.). Calling all foreign language teachers: computer-assisted language learning in the classroom (pp. 7-12). Larchmont, NY: Eye On Education.
This chapter mainly emphasizes how technology instruction entails the five C’s: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. Through communication it gives the learners a rich language environment. Through the internet the learning of another culture is more meaningful and promotes for connection with the aim of the content. Learners can make comparisons by interacting with peers, and have a sense of belonging in their tech community.
I am excited to learn how I can implement technology into the classroom, but I have questions how I can go about teaching my first grade students to become computer literate. Currently there is one student laptop computer in the classroom. I am looking forward to the other building so that I’ll have access to a greater amount of student computers.
Erben, T., Ban, R., Jin, L., Summers, R. & Eisenhower, K (2007). Using technology for foreign language instruction: creative innovations, research, and applications. In Erben, T., & Sarieva, I (Eds.). Calling all foreign language teachers: computer-assisted language learning in the classroom. (pp. 13-28). Larchmont, NY: Eye On Education.
Chapter three covers how and when technology can be a teaching tool in classrooms. They range from authentic materials, cooperative learning, student centered learning, learner self-sufficiency and motivation. Technology becomes authentic when communication takes place with a target culture. There is cooperative learning through networking. Technology is student-centered where the learners are more active into their own learning, and allows for self-sufficiency where the student learns to take risks. This chapter also gives precautions of using technology in class.
As I think about my students, it seems difficult to begin using technology for teaching reading and writing. But I can picture my students doing a blog, and will give them motivation to write and read, and possibly will give them critical thinkers, and become aware of their writing errors.